Women of the Old Testament, 14 In-Depth Bible Studies for Teens with Mother-Daughter Discussion Starters
Author: Barbara Frank
Cardamom Publishers: 2010
ISBN: 978-0974218151 ● LCCN: 2010904508
Perfect-bound ● 7.5” x 9.8” ● 306 pages ● $21.95
Women of the Old Testament:
14 In-Depth Bible Studies for Teens (with Mother-Daughter Discussion Starters)
by Barbara Frank
Sarah and Hannah experienced the pain of infertility. Rachel and Leah suffered because of intense sisterly rivalry. Rahab was rewarded for her faith despite her checkered past. Ruth and Naomi enjoyed God’s provision for them after both were widowed.
Though these women lived more than 2,000 years ago, their experiences as well as those of Miriam, Deborah, Jael and others have much to teach today’s teens about living God-pleasing lives.
Women of the Old Testament: 14 In-Depth Bible Studies for Teens (with Mother-Daughter Discussion Starters) examines these women’s stories and helps teens relate them to their own and their mothers’ lives:
- Detailed questions help students read stories carefully.
- Short essay questions measure students’ comprehension.
- Mother-daughter discussion starters examine themes in light of a mother’s life experiences, promoting mother-daughter closeness and understanding.
- The modern, feminine design of this workbook gives it a “journal” feel.
Designed for grades 8-12 and up, this book is arranged in an assignment format, and can be completed in one school year of daily work. The answer key is included for ease of correcting, with specific Bible references for every answer.
This Bible study curriculum is designed for homeschooling families but can also be used for multi-generational Bible classes and small group studies. Author and longtime homeschooling parent Barbara Frank originally wrote it to use with her teen daughter.
Most of the book is ideal for independent study, but the Mother-Daughter Discussion Starters at the end of each section promote closeness and understanding between teens and their mothers, making this study unique. Learning about Old Testament women together will make this your daughter’s favorite Bible study….and yours, too!
Click here if you would like a free sample study from Women of the Old Testament (pdf format).
Reviews for Women of the Old Testament: 14 In-Depth Bible Studies for Teens:
Barbara Frank put a lot of work into this bible study for your teen girls, and the result is a dynamic, engaging, and comprehensive look at 14 wonderful woman of the Old Testament. This is not a book you will just hand to your daughter and correct later, rather it requires your input too in the section called “discussion starters for mothers and daughters.” Each study introduces a key figure (Eve, Sarah, Rebekah, Rahab, Ruth, and Abigail are a few examples), bible passages are read, and then there are questions to answer about the assigned reading. There are several short essay questions that will allow your daughter to delve a little deeper and express her thoughts and opinions on the subject matter. The study concludes with the discussion time, which I can predict will be a fruitful and cherished time well spent between mother and daughter.
I really like the format of this bible curriculum, and think the chance to study some great female role models is good for your maturing teen girls. Barbara shares “the short essay questions also add to the journal feel of this book.” She adds, “I loved reading my daughter’s essay question answers when I recently re-read our original version of this book during the publishing process. She’s currently a college student, so it’s been five years since she wrote those answers. Reading them again revealed her spiritual growth over the past five years and also brought back wonderful memories of the young girl she used to be.”
I don’t have any daughters, but if I did I would have loved to do this study. I’m sure any young woman will grow in grace and knowledge as she works through these meaningful bible studies.
–HomeschoolBuzz.com, Kathy Davis
By Elah on June 7, 2013
My daughter and I have enjoyed going through this study together. Passages are broken down into manageable reads and can be read over about a week’s time. There are lists of essay questions, to which I’ve asked my daughter to respond by typing her answers. This has given her some practice in answering essay questions and to back up her answers using Scripture. Finally, with each woman studied, there are discussion questions for mom and daughter to share. Many of the questions ask mom to share her own experience that parallels the experience of the woman studied; times when we’ve seen God move on our behalf, times when God chose not to move on our behalf and how we handled the disappointment, etc. These are great ways to be intimate with our daughters and share our personal faith journey. Women studied are: Eve, Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel and Leah, the Midwives and Egyptian Princess and Miriam, Rahab, Deborah and Jael, Ruth, Hannah, Abigail, Bathsheba, The Shunamite Woman (who ministered to Elisha), Jezebel, Esther.
I would recommend all mothers and all grandmothers alike who would like to find a way to spend some quality time with daughter/granddaughter to purchase this book for a Christmas gift, baptism gift (if the child is older when being baptized), birthday gift, or any other times you may be giving a gift to the aforementioned.
I purchased this book for my 15-year-old granddaughter for Easter this past year. I was looking for a Bible study that would teach us about famous women in the Bible. A Bible Study that would have us read parts of the Bible, than answer questions. I was looking for a gift that would bring us closer by studying the Bible together, especially about women in the Bible and how important they were throughout Biblical history. I was elated when I found this book the “Bible Study of Women of the Old Testament, ….. for Teens” on the Amazon.com website. My pastor looked over this Bible Study and approved quite highly.
My 9-year-old granddaughter even joined us. I did not know if it would be too difficult for her to follow, but I am delighted to say that it was not. The answers are quite easy to find in the Bible. They encourage you to use a “concordance” to help find Bible verses that will help you answer questions in the later part of the “Question” sections. Every family/group can do this Bible Study, which ever way the group feels they obtain the most out of the Bible study. We take turns reading out loud the verses that the Bible Study requires from us, than look at the page or two of questions, of which the answers are quite easy to find in the Bible. Than we take turns answering the questions out loud. At the end of the easier questions, there are much more difficult questions that you have to actually look up Bible verses, and think about what God means by those particular verses that you have just read.
The above question would be part of the “Short Essay Questions” Section. It depends on the age of your daughter, granddaughter, etc. on how much of a discussion you may have on these questions. This is a great opportunity to share and talk to your daughter, niece, etc., about the Bible and what a part these women played in the making of our society from that time in history all the way to today’s every day living. You may have to help the younger young ladies out with these questions, but that is okay. The object is you are SITTING WITH THEM, LEARNING WITH THEM, ABOUT WOMEN IN THE BIBLE. “WHAT A WONDERFUL THING TO BE DOING WITH YOUR DAUGHTER/GRANDDAUGHTER/NIECE”!
In the first Chapter you study, Eve. We briefly talked about the snake (satan) persuading Eve to eat an apple in the “Garden of Eden”. My oldest granddaughter and I were explaining about “darkness” and “evil” and when Eve took a bit of the apple these two things entering this world.
My first question to them was, “If Eve had not taken a bite out of the apple, how long do you think it would have been before someone else committed the first sin”?
I hope and pray that this little review persuades a few of you mothers / grandmothers to purchase this Bible Study. If you do not have time to do this Bible Study during school year, the summertime would be a wonderful time to share and learn about many women of the Old Testament from Eve all the way thru to Esther. Please do not just give it to your daughters / granddaughters to do themselves, please take this time to sit down with them and read it out loud, read it in silence, it does not make any difference. Just do it together. Have a blessed Christmas, all of you!
I’ve been going through this book with my daughters (ages 10 & 12). I’ve had them spend 1 – 1 1/2 weeks on each study, depending on the length of the chapter, answering the questions on their own. We then meet together and discuss the short essay questions and mother/daughter discussion questions together. It has been a great bonding time and opportunity to grow in our knowledge and faith together.